Monday, January 5, 2015

Introduction to Breaststroke

For all Breaststrokers! Be fulfilled with knowledge!
The Breaststroke Kick:

Narrow Kick with Roque Santos

How to Swim Breaststroke with a better kick: We obviously will not be using this type of equipment, but the concept is the same regarding how you want to kick the water straight to the back.

Breaststroke - High Heels Kick: One of my favorite drills to work on the kick.

Breaststroke - Heel Touch Kick: Another one of my favorite kicking drills.

The Pull:

Roque Santos' Breaststroke: Did you notice the similarities between the recovery phases of Santos' and Phelps' pulls? *Hint: The top parts of their hands break out of the water during the recovery. * Notice how their hands never completely pop out from the water. The bottom fingers always stay underneath the water (especially the pinky and ring fingers). This is done for two reasons. Reason #1, if your elbows pop out of the water because you popped your entire hands out of the water too forcefully... You get disqualified. Reason #2, It is faster to get into the stream line position if your hands move straight through the surface of the water, rather than jumping your hands in and out the water like this dolphin that pops out at 11 seconds.

What do all of these Olympians have in common when it comes to their breaststroke recovery? Cameron Van Der Burgh Breaks Wold Record - 100m Breaststroke | London 2012 Olympics   

Head Position

Breaststroke Rhythym:

Speedo Pace Club Tutorials - Breaststroke Separation drill: Another one of my personal favorite drills.

Olympic Races!

When watching these professionals, Do you see a glide? Do they shrug their shoulders when they come up to breathe? Do they move their hands FAST or slowly during the recovery?  Do they Press their chest down Fast or slowly as their recovery finishes? Is there a slight body dolphin? Where are their heads looking as they glide? Does the head go underwater when they kick? Are they looking down at the floor or at the wall when they glide? Are their heads bobbing back and forth (like they are nodding "yes" a bunch of times) when they swim?* The answers to the last question should be a definite NO! Are they slicing the top of the water when they recover with the hands? When do the hands go back underwater during the recovery, before they fully extend their arms or after?

Rebecca Soni Breaks World Record - 200m Breaststroke | London 2012 Olympics

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